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Private Instruction

One-on-one ESL lessons with Sydney can currently only be booked through the platform italki. All up-to-date information on scheduling, prices, course types and student reviews can be found on Sydney's italki teacher profile.


Balances both reading and speaking skills through in-depth discussion of English-language novels, stories, essays, and more.


Minimum level: B2


$45 per hour

Oral Expression

Designed for students looking to improve their speaking skills, including pronunciation and accent. This instruction relies heavily on phonetics.


Minimum level: B1


$30 per hour

Anglais niveau débutant

Ce cours démarre en français pour construire vos compétences en anglais dès le debut.



Niveau recommandé : A1 - A2


$30 par heure

Trial Lesson

Not sure which lesson is right for you? A trial lesson serves as a consultation during which your skills can be assessed and your goals established.



$12.50 for 30 minutes

Abstract Paint
Paint Print Floor
"I appreciate the exchange with Sydney. [...] she is, in my assessment of the matter, an expert on the nuanced use of English; she is linguistically gifted [...] She is compassionate, sensitive, and empathetic, and I highly recommend her."

Ben, Singapore

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